Three little pigs growing up
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. The mum pig told them to get out and build they own house because there were too old to live with her.
The first little pig went to the shop and got some hay. He built a house out of hay he was lazy. After that the first little pig jumped in his house out of hay.
big bad wolf came and said “Little pig Little pig let me in” and the pig said “not by my hairs of my chinny chin chin” so the huff and puff and blew the house down and the big bad wolf had pork for lunch.
The second little pig was kind of brainy he went to the shop and got sticks. The Second little pig started to build. It was easy because it was light to stack up the sticks.
Big Bad Wolf came along and he went and knock on the door and said “Little pig little pig let me in” said the wolf then he huff and he puff and he blew the stick house down Then the first little pig was running away because the big bad wolf was chasing him so he got atein.
The Third little pig went to the shop and got bricks he was the smartest out of all so he made the house out of bricks it was hard because it was heavy to hold so it took him 7 hours to build so he finish.
Than the big bad wolf came by and he knock on the door and he said “little pig little pig let me in” and The Pig said “not by my hair of my chilly chain chain . So he went huff and puff and he blew but couldn’t.
Your Full Stops is good.
But You need to spell better.
I need to use some speech mark.
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